Testing Ents

Testing Ents

Just like vanilla Convex you can test your backend functions and logic within them with convex-test (docs (opens in a new tab)).

Setup convex-test for Ents

Install dependencies and configure runtime environment

First follow the initial Get Started (opens in a new tab) steps to install convex-test.

Add a setup file

There's a TypeScript issue which will prevent you from using your Ents schema directly with convexTest.

You will also want to use Ents within t.run for setting up and inspecting data in the database.

You can solve both by adding the following file. The name setup.testing.ts ensures it is ignored by both Vitest and Convex:

import { convexTest as baseConvexTest } from "convex-test";
import { SchemaDefinition, StorageActionWriter } from "convex/server";
import { EntDefinition } from "convex-ents";
import { MutationCtx } from "./_generated/server";
import { entDefinitions } from "./schema";
// Work around a TypeScript subtyping issue with Ents schemas
type GenericEntSchema = Record<string, EntDefinition>;
export function convexTest<Schema extends GenericEntSchema>(
  schema: SchemaDefinition<Schema, boolean>,
) {
  return baseConvexTest(schema);
// Use inside t.run() to use Ents
export async function runCtx(
  ctx: MutationCtx & { storage: StorageActionWriter },
) {
  return {
    table: entsTableFactory(ctx, entDefinitions),
    db: undefined,

Customize runCtx to match your customMutation setup.

Add a test file

In your convex folder add a file ending in .test.ts.

Use convexTest from your setup.testing.ts file instead of the one from convex-test.

This example shows how you can use runCtx to access ctx.table inside t.run to perform a test setup.

import { expect, test } from "vitest";
import { api } from "./_generated/api";
import { convexTest, runCtx } from "./setup.testing";
import schema from "./schema";
test("sending messages", async () => {
  const t = convexTest(schema);
  const [sarahId, tomId] = await t.run(async (baseCtx) => {
    const ctx = await runCtx(baseCtx);
    return await ctx
      .insertMany([{ name: "Sarah" }, { name: "Tom" }]);
  await t.mutation(api.messages.send, { text: "Hi!", userId: sarahId });
  await t.mutation(api.messages.send, { text: "Hey!", userId: tomId });
  const messages = await t.query(api.messages.list);
    { body: "Hi!", author: "Sarah" },
    { body: "Hey!", author: "Tom" },

Run tests

Start the tests with npm run test. When you change the test file the tests will rerun automatically.

You might need to hit Enter or the R key to rerun the tests when you change your functions.

npm run test


There are a few examples of testing Ents with convex-test in this file: read.test.ts (opens in a new tab).