Helper Types

These types are helpful when you want to break down your backend code and pass IDs and ents around.

Ent ID type

Use the built-in Id type:

import { Id } from "./_generated/dataModel";
// Note that a `MutationCtx` also satisfies the `QueryCtx` interface
export function myReadHelper(ctx: QueryCtx, id: Id<"tasks">) {
  /* ... */

Ent types & ctx types

If you followed the Setup instructions you should have a types.ts file with type aliases for ents in queries and mutations, and for the query and mutation ctx:

import { CustomCtx } from "convex-helpers/server/customFunctions";
import { GenericEnt, GenericEntWriter } from "convex-ents";
import { TableNames } from "./_generated/dataModel";
import { mutation, query } from "./functions";
import { entDefinitions } from "./schema";
export type QueryCtx = CustomCtx<typeof query>;
export type MutationCtx = CustomCtx<typeof mutation>;
export type Ent<TableName extends TableNames> = GenericEnt<
  typeof entDefinitions,
export type EntWriter<TableName extends TableNames> = GenericEntWriter<
  typeof entDefinitions,

Now you can use these these types to annotate your functions:

import { Id } from "./_generated/dataModel";
import { QueryCtx, MutationCtx, Ent, EntWriter } from "./types";
export function myReadHelper(ctx: QueryCtx, task: Ent<"tasks">) {
  /* ... */
export function myWriteHelper(ctx: MutationCtx, task: EntWriter<"tasks">) {
  /* ... */