

Follow these instructions to configure Convex Auth to use GitHub OAuth in a development environment.

Open the Github OAuth app registration form

You can navigate directly to the form (opens in a new tab) or expand for detailed manual steps.

  1. Sign in to in your web browser 2. Click on your user avatar in the top-right of the page 3. In the menu that opens, click Settings 4. Scroll down and click Developer settings in the menu on the left 5. Click OAuth Apps in the menu on the left 6. Click the New OAuth App button

Fill out the form with your app details

You can name your app whatever you like, but note that the name and description will be presented to users when they attempt to login with GitHub for your application.

For the Homepage URL, use http://localhost:5173 (or whatever local address your development server uses).

For the Authorization callback URL, first find the HTTP Actions URL for your Convex deployment. You can find that in the Convex dashboard (opens in a new tab) under Settings -> URL & Deploy Key -> Show development credentials.

Your HTTP Actions URL will match your Deployment URL, except it will end in .site instead of .cloud.

The full Authorization callback URL will be your actions URL plus api/auth/callback/github. So if your actions URL is then your callback URL will be:

Once you've filled in that info, click the Register application button.

Set Convex environment variables for GitHub OAuth

Keep the GitHub page with your new application details open.

Open a terminal to your Convex application directory.

Environment variables can also be configured in the Convex dashboard (opens in a new tab) under Settings -> Environment variables.

Copy the Client ID value from the GitHub page and supply it as the last argument to the following command (run in your terminal):

npx convex env set AUTH_GITHUB_ID <yourgithubclientid>

Then click the Generate a new client secret button back on the GitHub OAuth app settings page.

Copy that value and use it as the last argument to the following command (run in your terminal):

npx convex env set AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET <yourgithubsecret>

Provider configuration in auth.ts

Add the provider config to the providers array in convex/auth.ts. The GitHub provider will read the client ID and secret that you supplied in the environment variables above.

import GitHub from "@auth/core/providers/github";
import { convexAuth } from "@convex-dev/auth/server";
export const { auth, signIn, signOut, store, isAuthenticated } = convexAuth({
  providers: [GitHub],

App integration

See the general OAuth instructions for how to add a sign-in button in your application.